

I’m too big to curl into a ball
If I get into a bind
But that’s ok, since I can dig away
In record-breaking time
My size separates me from my cousins
But I don’t mind too much
Since predators know not to come near
My deadly, long-clawed clutch


I’m the humans’ closest relative
I’m similar in design
I’m intelligent and resourceful
I can learn to speak in sign
I share the same emotions
I can be happy, sad and more
I mostly prefer playing
And I despise the act of war


The natives consider me a legend
They say I control the thunder
For as I soar grandly through the skies
They can’t help but stare in wonder


My funny name and funny shape
Ensure that you remember me
But don’t mix me up with my close cousin
I’m different than a manatee!


Some call me a spiny anteater
But earthworms are more to my taste
Some never get around to naming me
They’re too busy laughing at my face
I know I’m not the best-looking creature
But lest you can’t see the good parts of me
Take a look at my back and give it a whack
You’ll find out just how sharp I can be