
I Missed Out on My Childhood

I was robbed of my youth
I didn’t get to do
A lot of the normal things
Other little kids got to

I don’t know how to ride a bike
Or swim well in a pool
And if I try to double-dutch
I look like a complete fool

I never fell and chipped my tooth
I never scraped my knee
I didn’t learn to rollerskate
Or how to climb a tree

I didn’t go to preschools
And make friends with kids my age
I didn’t go to the park or zoo
To see the lion in its cage

I grew up much too quickly
I matured way too fast
Wish I had another chance to be young
I need a blast from the past!

One of a Kind

Throughout the days, I’ve watched you grow
From my place four years behind
And though I don’t show it, I must admit
You are a sister that’s one of a kind.

You’ve taught me so much, but you might not know it
You’ve helped me get through tough times
For these reasons, I am expressing my praise
By means of this poem, so full of rhymes.

I have thousands of memories of when we were young
We hung out, talked, and played games galore
As we get older, we’re slowly growing apart
And I long to live like in the old days once more.

You confided in me many secrets
I gave you advice when you would allow
We weren’t just family, but good friends too
I wish we were still that close now.

Your high school graduation approaches so rapidly
Pretty soon, you’ll be starting college
Please don’t forget the ones who care
While you fill your head with brand new knowledge.

You and your peers will choose different life paths
Surely new friends will come ad go
But I’ll always be here if you need someone
Remember, dear sister, I love you so.


Why is this happening?
What did we do to deserve it?
What did I ever do wrong?
Why am I, just a child, being punished?
I am innocent, I’d never hurt anyone
So why am I treated like a criminal?
Why must this child, all the children, suffer?
Don’t you realize
We didn’t bring this upon ourselves
We didn’t ask for trouble
It was their fault
The ones who make the guns, the bullets
The ones who create the bombs, the knives
The ones who grow the drugs
Then those who sell them
The ones who open the stores
That make these weapons available to us
They are the real bad guys
The real killers
If they could just stop
They could be heroes
They would save lives
Instead of taking them
But they won’t stop
People will just keep dying
But what did we do to deserve it?
Why is this happening?

If Only

If only life were a dream
And we were all just sleeping through it
If we could wake up right before the bad

Before the monster catches us
Right before we get hurt
A moment before the cars collide
A minute before the bomb explodes
Before the building burns down
Before the plane crash lands
Before the boat sinks to the depths of the sea
Before the gun fires the bullet
Just before a loved one dies
A second before our world crumbles around us

If only it were a dream
We would never feel pain
We would control our destiny

But, if life were a dream
It would eventually be over
We would have to wake up
And that’s when reality hits


Is it worth it?
The pain
The heartbreak
The horrible feeling inside

Is it worth it?
The tears
The sorrow
The tragic emptiness of the soul

Is it really worth it?
The fear
The hatred
Bubbling till it overflows the mind

Do you think it’s worth it?
Giving up everything you’ve known
Destroying all that you have built
Slowly killing the ones you love
All so you could finally be “happy”
Tell the truth—is it worth it?


The Christmas Poem

Chestnuts and fires and fancy attire
It’s the best time of the year
Faces all glowing, outside it’s snowing
Christmas is growing so near
Last minute shopping, sales never stopping
The hustle and bustle goes on
Tons of parading and more decorating
We’ll be busy all season long
Exchanging presents, both wealthy and peasants
Spreading the holiday cheer
Cookies, bells ringing, candles and singing
Christmas is finally here!

Christmastime, Christmastime

Christmastime, Christmastime, time for love and cheer.
Time to get the presents we’ve been waiting for all year.
Time for greeting cards and stockings of all sizes,
Hanging on the mantle till Santa fills them with surprises.
Gifts cluttered under the Christmas tree, standing tall and green.
Snow is falling outside, creating a beautiful winter scene.
Children, for once, make being good their goal,
Afraid of finding in their stockings a huge lump of coal.
Sugar cookies and milk set out for Santa to eat,
After all his traveling, he deserves a little treat.
Peaceful songs play on every radio station,
Celebrating this special holiday and all of God’s creation.
Everyone is happy and in the spirit of the season
Because it’s Christmastime, Christmastime, and that’s the only reason.

A Short Autobiography of Copper

My name begins with the letter C
My period number’s one more than 3
Eleven’s the name of the group where I’m found
I can be extracted from ores underground
I’m as old as the Age of Stone
My discoverer’s name is yet unknown
I combine with other elements to make bronze and brass
I can be used to create products by the mass
The words for my color and title are the same
I’m element number 29, and Copper’s my name


My dearest family, I just have to know
Why does it seem that you all hate me so?
Was it something I did, or something I said?
Thousands of questions run through my head
You yell and you shout, you make me feel sad
What have I done to make you so mad?
I study very hard and get A’s in school
Yet I get in trouble for bending even one rule
I always do chores, and do my best to help out
So I don’t understand what these punishments are about
You wanted me to get a life; now I have one, you see
But you keep giving more limitations to me
You accuse me of things that I do not do
I know you wouldn’t like if that happened to you
I just want a little freedom, not a great ton
But I want to be able to have a bit of fun
So I write this to you, family, and please can you try
To explain your hatred, I just want to know, why?


We’re in a new war, I’m scared out of my mind.
Why do other countries have to be so unkind?
Why do they hate us, just because we are free?
Is this the start of World War Three?
So many will be hurt, but no one will win.
Neither side wants to be the first to give in.
All the fighting, what is it for?
What is the reason for all the bloodshed and gore?
Why can’t the world’s people just live in peace?
Are we aiming to have the entire population deceased?
What’s the point of all the lives lost?
Haven’t we learned anything from the Holocaust?
Let’s go back to when everyone got along,
And sang in one voice a harmonious song.
I’m just a child, I should not feel such grief.
Hopefully the struggle will be very brief.
I try not to think about it, though I can’t help but remember
The horror of that tragedy on the eleventh of September.
Will this happen again, will our country’s suffering repeat?
Will the soldiers of our nation face an awful defeat?
No one knows what the future will hold.
All we do know is that the enemies’ hearts are cold.
I didn’t even want a war to start, but now I pray for its end
So we can rebuild the Earth, and spirits can mend.
I have too many questions and no explanation.
What brought upon this terrible confrontation?
This planet has enough problems already without this one.
No matter how hard we fight, victory will never be won.

What is Poetry?

What is poetry?
A bunch of random rhymes
An old-fashioned hobby
Too old for our time?

Is it really such a waste
Sharing feelings with the world?
Does no one still care
If we let our thoughts unfurl?

Do they care not for passion
Romance and love?
For peace and beautiful harmony
Like the precious ways of the dove?

Do expression and dedication
Make no difference to them?
Do they not cherish our works
As they would a fine gem?

My purpose today is to prove that wrong
And show that poetry still stays in our hearts
For, without poetry, what would the world be
But a place truly torn apart?

We Remember 9/11

Many, many lives were lost on that fateful day that year,
Mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles, all those that were held dear.
September 11, 2001, is a date everyone will remember,
Throughout every passing year, from January to December.
I’d like to take this time to send all the heroes love,
Whether they’re still here today or shining up above.
Without those brave citizens, where would we be today?
Living in fear of the terrorists, wasting our lives away.
But thanks to them, America remains standing tall and proud,
Showing our support and making our message heard aloud:
“One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,”
One nation, by standing together forever, I know can’t ever fall.

Tough Times

The 1930s were a tough time
For everyone living then
People were beyond dirt poor
To the point that poverty united most men

Depression was still new to some
But they got used to its ways
The people living in the Dust Bowl, though,
Had to deal with the horror day by day

It wasn’t just the U.S. with problems
In Germany, Hitler began his rise to the top
People were so afraid and powerless
They just couldn’t bring him to a stop

Life was bad for everybody
Whether they were white or black, Christian or Jew
Luckily, there were good people like Roosevelt
Who helped indefinitely to pull us through

To the One and Only...Or So I Thought

Every time is seems that things are finally going my way
Something has to happen and screw up my whole day
I actually thought this time might be different for once
But of course it’s the same old crap and I look like the dunce
I believed you might really like me as more than a friend
I spent my days and nights thinking about you to no end
I trusted you, told you things many people don’t know
But you broke my heart and my trust, became my greatest foe
I gave my love and compassion to you, but for what?
Only for you to fall for some stupid little slut
Do you even realize the pain you’re putting me through?
You’re making me sick to the point that I can’t even look at you
You sunk my spirits and soul, then left me here in despair
You showed me just how the world can be unkind and unfair
This is the kind of stuff that makes people want to kill themselves
Make them wish they were dead and that you would rot in hell
On this day I vow never again to be that naïve
No more will I be mislead, used, or caused to grieve
One day you’ll understand, when your feelings are unknown
Because I know deep inside, in the long run, you’ll end up alone

Too Late

I’ve made my decision
I quit trying to win
I have no more power to envision
How it could have been
Anger, sadness, guilt are all I feel
My days are spent being blue
Everything that happens seems so surreal
And I don’t know what to do
Sometimes I just wanna give up at life
There’s nothing in it for me
I don’t care to suffer more pain and strife
I want no more tragedy
I feel like there’s no reason
For me being on this Earth
I’ve been accused of treason
Since the very day of my birth
On the inside I’m trapped by my fears
I feel so alone
On the outside I’m surrounded by my tears
My awful woes go unknown
There is evil all around
No one I can trust
I’m betrayed with every sound
Swept into the wind like dust
With every step I make
I just want to scream
Every slumber I take
I’m afraid of my own dreams
I’m tired of being confused
Not knowing what to expect
I have nothing more to lose
Words have no effect
I can’t stand any more lies
I hear them all the time
The worst part, I can’t deny
Most of them are mine
My actions can’t be compensated
I can’t erase the hate
All my memories are jaded
Now it’s just too late

Time to Die

Please mend my heart, O Lord I pray
My one true love has left me today.
Just before he went, he gave me one last kiss
With those tender, sweet lips I’ll surely miss.
He gave me one last hug with his big, strong arms
And promised me there would be no more harm.
Then he softly whispered something in my ear,
Words that I simply could not hear,
For I couldn’t bear the look on his face
As his heart began to slow its pace.
I knew I’d soon have to say goodbye,
And then it happened, it was his time to die.

The Killer

It eats your soul from the inside out
It destroys your heart, makes your brain shout

For you to stop, but you can’t you’re sucked in
You can’t think straight, it makes your head spin

Your lungs stop, your blood ceases to flow
You black out, your heartbeat slows

You’ve lost the battle, your limbs feel like lead
Then you can’t feel anymore, because now you’re dead

As your spirit leaves earth, you so regret
Ever giving into that killer, that first cigarette


Boy, your name should be Superman
‘Cuz no one can do the things you can
I want you to know I’m your biggest fan
My only wish is that you’ll be my man

I think about you all night and day
You are so sexy in every way
Words can’t describe you, there’s nothing I can say
Every night before I sleep, to be with you I pray

You’re the hottest guy I’ve ever seen
You should be on the cover of a magazine
You are a king, I want to be your queen
I will love you now till death, and all years in between

As soon as I can, I want to marry you
We’ll walk down the aisle and each say “I do”
For my whole life, to you I will be true
We will have a bond that is stronger than glue

For now, I’ll try to see you whenever I can
I’ll stare at your eyes, smile, and great tan
I’ll cheer you on, keep being your biggest fan
And I will never forget you, my Superman

Senses of You

Sunshine so radiant
Skies deep and blue
This is what I see
When I think of you

A giant bed of roses
Fresh morning dew
This is what I smell
When I am near you

An orchestra symphony
A robin’s song so true
This is what I hear
When I listen to you

Soft fur of a puppy
Skin of babies so new
This is what I feel
When I touch you

Sweet, rich caramel
Home-style stew
This is what I taste
When I kiss you

Roller Coaster

Ride ever so slowly up to the top
Anxiously await the tremendous drop
Rush down at lightning-like speed
A break from screaming is what I need
Around the loops the coaster car goes
I’ve lost all feeling in my toes
This is the scariest ride ever invented
Eating less food would’ve had this stomach-ache prevented
We are slowing down, we’re nearing the end
That was pretty fun. I think I’ll go again!


tell me when I can stop pretending
that everything is not all wrong
that I should have known what was to come
that this was meant to happen all along

tell me when I can stop pretending
that the world around me isn’t falling apart
that nothing really awful is going on
that I’m supposed to be feeling this pain in my heart

tell me when I can stop pretending
that everything is better than it seems
that I can believe things could always be worse
that nightmares don’t shadow every one of my dreams

tell me when I can stop pretending
that the hopes that I had now do more than wilt
that I don’t live fearing what will come next
that I’m not constantly overwhelmed by a sense of guilt

tell me when I can stop pretending
that my every childhood wish will ever come true
that I don’t worry about not being able to move on
that feeling sorry for myself isn't the only thing I do

tell me when I can stop pretending
that I haven’t lived my whole life as a lie
that it will all be back to normal someday
that when all is said and done, I won't still wonder why

On This Day

On this day
A day of love
A day of friendship
A day of romance
I give to you
A box of chocolates
A single rose
A teddy bear
I express my feelings
My compassion
My affection
M admiration
I love you so
Your beauty
Your intelligence
Your strength
I recite to you
A poem
A letter
A song
You answer me
With a hug
With a kiss
With embrace
You make me feel
So proud
So glad
So loved
On this day
A day of love
A day of friendship
A day of romance
I begin my life with you

Never Before

This is the first time this has happened to me
I’ve never had these feelings before
You are the only guy to make me this happy
When we talk, you always leave me wanting more

My friends notice all kinds of changes
In the way I look, act, and speak
At the thought of you, my soul rearranges
What I feel in my heart is genuinely unique

I stay up late just to talk to you
I picture you right there beside me
I can’t wait for the day when this will come true
When I can express what’s been bottled up inside me

My Secret

No one knows the way that I feel
Not a single person knows my love is real
I can’t tell a soul the fantasies I dream
Or how I suddenly get impulses to scream
His wonderful name and my emotions for him
All else in my mind becomes dark and dim
For my desire to have him is so great
I know being together is our only fate
Yet he seems oblivious to my affectionate tries
To get him to notice me, to look into my eyes
I just wish to tell him, but I am afraid
Of being rejected, of feeling dismayed
He is far from my grasp, though so close at hand
I am a mere child; he is a person so grand
Despite my yearning, I must realize we will never be
For my secret love can be kept only to me


There is no creature quite like a mother
She is a superb being unlike any other

She cares and comforts if you are sad
She loves you, despite your attitude, no matter how bad

She makes you feel special, always feel loved
She is a precious gift, from God up above

She buys you presents for no apparent reason
She helps you with problems, no matter what season

She is someone who always holds you dear
She can always seem to take away all your fear

She shares with you indestructible ties
At least, that’s how I see
my mom, in my eyes

Letter From a Dying Girl

The darkness is so cold
It sends shivers down my spine
Goosebumps spread over my limbs
Like a puppy, I whimper and whine

My hands and fingers go numb
As blood rushes to my brain
My heart beats wildly in my chest
I am slowly going insane

I’m losing touch with reality
Everything around me is black
There’s no sun, no light anywhere
Oxygen is something I begin to lack

I cannot breathe, I cannot move
I’m paralyzed with fear
My muscles are stiff, ears alert
I sense the end is near

I am ready to leave this place
I’m prepared to be taken away
I must travel to a faraway land
I can’t stand to hurt one more day

My soul needs to be free of this body
To become cleansed and pure once more
I am sorry to leave you all behind
Please don’t forget you’re the ones I adore

I shall be one with the angels
Fly miles above the sky
Take care, and I’ll take care of you
While I watch from way up high

I promise we will meet again
To spend eternity together
We will live in peace in Heaven
And be with each other forever

Just Like You

Teach me how to be just like you
Teach me things that I never knew
Show me how to make beautiful noise
And how to play with other little girls and boys
Help me learn to ride a bicycle
And when it snows, how to choose the best icicle
Aid me in my quest to learn to read
Help me plant a tree from a tiny seed
Show me how to write and rhyme
Show me how to use a real clock to tell time
Teach me grammar, spelling, and math
And how to be a big kid and take my own bath
Educate me of equality and respect for all
Show me there’s more to life than what’s inside a mall
Teach me good manners and polite ways
Let me learn a responsible way to pass my days
School me in the basics of sports
Expose me to animals of all sorts
Help me grow to be healthy and strong
Teach me to decide between right and wrong
Turn me into a great person who is looked up to
Teach me how to be just like you

In Hiding

You dress in all black and color your hair
You act gothic and draw hundreds of stares
You intimidate people, make them feel fear
All because you don’t want them to see your tears

You act like a jerk and put others down
You hurt many people and bully them around
You pretend your heart is completely impure
All because you don’t want to show that you’re insecure

You take in substances that mess up your head
You smoke and drink until you’re practically dead
You go out of your mind, nearly insane
All because you want a way to hide your pain

You keep your opinions bottled up inside of you
You make everyone think you’re always so blue
You store your feelings up on a high shelf
All because you’re afraid of being yourself


In the lands of your imagination, you can roam free
Live out your most joyous fantasies
Run through glimmering forests of gold
Don’t bother worrying about what you’ve been told
Make your wildest dreams come true
Frolic under sunshine and skies bright and blue
Swim beside dolphins to shores near and far
Soar high in the sky, take a ride on a star
Have more fun than you could ever envision
Never be pressured to make a decision
You won’t find any problems, look high and low
Peace, love, and happiness are all you’d know
Pain would never be something you feel
Wouldn’t life be perfect if this place was real?

I'm Free

I’m living this life on the grass’s greener side
I’m seeing the world with my eyes open wide
I’m treating each day like my last on Earth
I’m giving everything I’ve got for all it’s worth
I’m achieving my goals, there’s no turning back
I’ve got everything I need, there’s nothing I lack
The world is my playground, nature my home
I’m loved by all creatures, I’m never alone
I’m in control of my life, my only master is the Lord
I’ve got permanent protection, no need for shield or sword
My hard work has paid off and I can breathe easy
Now it’s time to celebrate, I’m finally free.

I Think I Am an Alien

I think I am an alien
Sent here from outer space
I don’t seem to be like anyone else
Who are part of the human race

I am smart, but ignorant
I’m shy, but obnoxious at times
I can’t really draw, only some cartoons
I write my feelings down in rhymes

I can be girly or tomboyish
I dress in my own weird style
I like to play sports
Though I can barely run a mile

I started school at age four
I’ll finish high school when I’m 17
I’ve been and will be an outcast
For all the years in between

I don’t care what people think of me
Yet I’m insecure about my looks
I hate doing my homework
But I’m always reading three or four books

I’ve lived in five different homes
And gone to three different schools
Though it took me until this year
To see that not all guys are fools

I love hearing the latest gossip
Yet I hate when people talk about me
I obsess over my crushes
Though when they approach me, I flee

My brain develops so quickly
I’m more mature than many peers
However, for incomprehensible reasons
I shed so many tears

I do not want to be popular
And I don’t want to be a freak
So most of my fellow classmates
Classify me as a geek

I love to sing, though my voice is horrible
I like cooking, but I burn the food
I am rarely truly happy
I usually have a negative attitude

To my teachers, I’m an angel
To my parents, I’m a pain
My family drives me crazy
And they all think I’m insane

I can’t speak in front of audiences
I show off in front of friends
I can’t ever just act natural
My charade never ends

I like pop, rock, rap music, even some country
I enjoy almost any kind of song
But my sisters and I fight over the radio
We just can never get along

I’ve got so many problems
And no one I can tell
So I write them on paper
But after, I still don’t feel well

I know I am an alien
Sent here from outer space
I’m definitely not like everyone else
Because I’m part of my own, unique race

I Love You

From the early morning to late at night
You’re always there for me when no one else can make it right
I always feel so happy when I'm with you
It’s you I’m always going to love and I hope you feel that way, too
I wish we could always be together; I never want us to be apart
If I ever had to live without you, it would truly break my heart
I love you so much, and I sincerely need you
Just in case you didn’t know before, now you do


The Jewish people in Europe were content in their little towns
Fathers worked and mothers cooked, while children ran around
Until one day, fearful news of deportation spread
And this became the start of their new lives, filled with dread

The Jews moved into a smaller block, a ghetto, as they say
Where they tried slowly to return to normal life day by day
But soon, the Jews would be happy again no more
For they had no idea for themselves what the Nazis had in store

They traveled by cattle cars for many endless nights
Till they arrived at their final destination, and witnessed gruesome sights
Horrible conditions, early death, and corporal punishment awaited
In these concentration camps, where all their souls would become jaded

Daily life included little food, routine beatings, and barely any sleep
Yet not a cry was heard, not a whimper, nor a weep
For all the Jews, sanity, humanity, was now lost
Because of a tragic historic event we refer to as the Holocaust

High School Horrors

I have to face my greatest fear:
Today I start high school
The dreadful day is finally here
I know I won’t be cool

I have big huge glasses
I’ve got zits on my face
I can never find my classes
Boys are always on my case

People laugh at the way I sit
It’ll be a miracle I survive today
I don’t like high school one bit
But college is still a long, long way

He Is

“Who is he?” you ask.
“Just a nothing
A no one.”
But that is not true.
Who is he?
I will tell you who he is.

He is my noble steed
Who carries me through the land
He is my valiant knight
Who, in shining armor, saves me from danger
He is my anchor
Who keeps me from drifting away
He is my bright ray of sunshine
Who brings me warmth, joy, and light
He is my afternoon breeze
Who cools and relaxes me
He is my mentor
Who brings knowledge and wisdom to me
He is my beautiful dove
Who shares peace and serenity
He is my buoy in the water
Who helps me bounce back when I am feeling down
He is my teddy bear
Who eases my troubles with just one hug

So, who is he, you wonder?
He is something.
He is someone.
He is my very best friend.

Happy Sweet Sixteen

Happy sweet 16 to you, birthday girl
Your big moment has finally arrived
Today, you are the queen of your own world
You’ve achieved that for which, for so long, you’ve strived
I hope that today’s the very best of your days
The most excellent it could possibly be
But despite the chaos and birthday craze
I hope you don’t ever forget about me
I know that lately we haven’t been too close
We have slowly been drifting apart
But as you can see through this poem so verbose
The good times will always be in my heart
In 7th grade, I was the new kid around
You were just a girl in class I barely knew
But by the end, a new friendship had been found
And so began our journey of best pals, me and you
The first day of 8th grade, we learned we shared a common crush
We raced home to talk about it right after school
After that, we made sure to get to 8-4 in a rush
To see the guy we thought was so awesomely cool
Remember all the crazy sleepovers we had
We’d watch movies till the middle of the night
During Pearl Harbor, you got so unbelievably sad
But seeing your retainer-mouthed cry was such a sight
Remember the Christmas party, the Outsiders, your Ross impression
The Cotillion, youth group, our names—Mango, the Nat-Nat
My great stalking skills, all our insane obsessions
Windle, the Gas Station Guy in the backwards hat
The Relay for Life, selling stickers at lunch
Escaping our ridiculous families at each other’s homes
Decho’s class, where we’d sit in back and secretly munch
Your little dog’s disgusting, odd-colored mouth foams
Pink Speedo-wearing, ice hockey-playing guys
Watching Troy twice for Orlando the little baby
Endless, useless, science fair projects tries
Thinking every stray (or not) animal you see has rabies
Hilarious dolphin-looking basketball shots
Not signing your yearbook till the following year
Millions of laughs, you know we’ve had lots
Mixed in with the thousands of sudden bouts of fear
The freaky face at the beginning of the Signs DVD
Looking at paint colors till we again felt secure
Jumping at the image of the “sasquatch” in Bruce Almighty
The Yankees big loss to the Red Sox we had to endure
Rolling the ball into the court at your bro’s basketball game
Your initial shortage of computer know-how
Our attempts to play badminton that turned out so lame
Shopping for Halloween costumes in the shape of a cow
Plans for me to baby-sit your kids when we’re older
Heading to the Café and talking for hours
My burning questions for Mr. Ayer that made me so much bolder
Being there to discuss what happened with the Twin Towers
So many more memories from throughout the years that we share
Yet, in my mind, they all seem so fresh and brand new
Always remember that, in friendship, we make a great pair
And once again, happy sweet 16 to you

Happy Anniversary to You

Another day
Another year
Through all the laughs
And every tear
Through thick and thin
You’ve stayed together
No fight you can’t solve
No storm you can’t weather
After all these years
Your love is still strong
You’ve made it through
You’re holding on
With three beautiful children
And a comforting home
You have the satisfaction of knowing
You’ll never be alone
There is no bond greater than marriage
You proved this to be so
From your youth through the present
Together you’ll always grow
Your love is a gift
Matched only by few
And all I can say is
Happy anniversary, I love you


My dear, what is left to say about you?
I’ve written five poems already, it’s true
But amazingly I still have more to say
So I guess I will be writing another today

I once asked if you have a girlfriend; you answered yes
But I find it hard to believe, I confess
If you do, why don’t you speak of her?
I would also expect you to seem happier

This woman is clearly undeserving
It seems to me it’s her love she is preserving
You should receive more appreciation
Do you not see my intense admiration?

You definitely excel at your career
You don’t look as if you age throughout the years
You’re talented in sports, and in the arts
You always win over many girls’ hearts

If I was with you, I would never let you go
I’d make sure every moment you knew I love you so
You would never ever feel sad or alone
I wish I had you as a boyfriend of my own

You have lived up to your title as goldenboy
Everyday you fill my soul with joy
I ask that you please give me a chance
I promise we would have a real romance


F is for forever, just you and me
R is for reality, not just what we see
I is for inseparable, which is what we are
E is for endless friendship, we’ll never be too far
N is for never, ever letting other people pull us apart
D is for discovering within, what comes from the heart
These are the things a friend is to me
And I know that is what you’ll always be


It’s the big 4-0! You’re finally there
Pretty soon you’ll be starting to lose your hair
You’re getting so old, I can hardly believe it
Your youth has left you, you might wanna retrieve it
Yesterday you seemed so fresh and brand new
But now you’re ancient, what happened to you?
Have you broken any bones, a hip or your back?
Is it vision or hearing you’re starting to lack?
Your mid-life crisis has long past
You wanna have fun? Hurry, you’re aging fast
Soon you’ll be needing a respirator
Hey! You’re falling asleep! Well, see ya later

Exciting Day

Today is so exciting!
I’ve got so much stuff to do
First I’ll cut my sister’s hair,
Then free the animals at the zoo.

I’ll throw Playdoh on the ceiling
I’ll draw pictures on the walls
I’ll start a forest fire,
Then clog up Niagara Falls.

I’ll take little babies’ toys
I’ll rob a candy store
I’ve got so many plans already,
Yet there’s at least a hundred more!

I know I can’t do any of this
People think I’m too mature
I’m the perfect little goody-goody,
But now I’m not so sure…

Emotional Paradox

If “when you wish upon a star,
Makes no difference who you are,”
Then why can’t my greatest wish come true,
Why can’t I just be with you?

When we pass in the halls you glance my way
We both smile, then you walk away
When we talk in class, we have so much fun
Then you leave my side when class is done

When we hang out at your house, I make you laugh
Then our homework’s done, and our time together is cut in half
When we walk on the beach, you hold my hand
But as soon as the sun’s down, you rush off the sand

If, as you say, you love my company
Why can’t you stay and be with me?
It does make a difference who I am
I’m a girl who can’t seem to get her man

Dear Julie

All these emotions swirl in my mind,
And the right words I just cannot find.
She was much more than a friend, like a sister,
She will always be loved, and she knows we all miss her.
To be honest, I really didn’t know her that well,
Though I felt like I did from the stories you’d tell.
I know that you’re feeling remorse and sorrow,
Because she will never see another tomorrow,
But just remember all the fun times you shared,
She’ll be glad she had someone like you who so cared.
So don’t spend your life feeling awful and rotten,
Don’t worry, “your friend Kelly” won’t ever be forgotten.

Buried Treasure

Treasure is what you are searching for
Deep down on the sandy ocean floor
You look and look, no X marks the spot
You begin to dig with the tools you’ve brought
Farther down your shovel hits something hard
You pull up a box, you are caught off guard
You open it up, what do you find?
Thousands of memories you’ve left behind
You search through old thoughts and start to reminisce
About the way thing used to be, then you start to miss
All your friends and the good times you had
You wonder how life could become so bad
You wish you could turn back time, be young once more
Back to the days when nothing was a bore
But you can’t stay stuck in the past, you’ve got to move on
Just know that your memories will never be gone.


It’s pitch black, so dark, I cannot see.
Is someone playing a trick on me?
Who turned out the lights? Will you turn them back on?
The joke was successful, but now it is done.
I can’t see what I’m doing, there are no lights anywhere.
I can’t read, play a game, or even brush my hair!
I’m getting scared now, I’m afraid of the dark
What’s that noise? Did you hear a dog bark?
I’m going to call someone, maybe my mom.
What if something happened, if there was a bomb?
Hey! The phone’s not working, it’s dead!
Now someone’s definitely messing with my head.
I’m kinda lonely, and it’s starting to get cold
Someone please help, I’m only seven years old!
I found my kitty, she curled up on my lap.
I’m a little tired, so I might as well take a nap.
Wait! What’s that? I think I see some light!
Whoa! Turn it back off…now it’s too bright!

Behind a Mask of Perfection

Why does life have to be so confusing?
How much more can a girl take?
How can a little thing like love be so complex,
Basing every action on hoping you don’t make a mistake?

Looks aren’t everything, but they’re so deceiving
You think you’re over him, till he smiles at you
He acts so sincerely nice and of course, being naïve
You forgive him and do anything he wants you to

Your need to be loved drives you insane
Until you think everything he says is the truth
One second, he’ll seem like your soul mate
The next, a stranger so uncouth

It’s not uncommon to be fooled by the opposite sex
His lies are concealed by his amenity
He hides his twisted, betraying true self
Under a coat of charm and serenity

But once you look past that exterior,
You’ll see he’s just a waste of time
Set out only to break the hearts of many
By using the same, arrogant line

Take heed to these warnings
They are much unlike that of a lie
Don’t settle for the first to proclaim affection
Wait until you find, for you, the perfect guy

Otherwise, you’ll be played a fool
You’ll be hoodwinked and mislead
Take it from one who went through these things
Refuse to let men mess up your head

Back on Track

Thought you were supposed to be here for me in my time of need
Thought you were the one to heal my wounds when I would start to bleed
But instead you’re just adding to the pain, bringing me down more
Well hear this now, in the words of Linkin Park, “I won’t be ignored!”
You need to check yourself, fix yourself, realize who you are
A friend’s supposed to ease the pain, no matter if you’re near or far
I needed your help, I was feeling depressed, but you just criticized
I’m giving you one more chance to right your wrong before our friendship dies
You destroyed my hopes, put me down, made me wanna scream
You took the truth, twisted it, and demolished my greatest dream
I can’t believe you did that to me, thought we knew each other so well
Remember all the times we shared our feelings when one of our hearts fell
Think of the days at school, nights on the phone, all the advice exchanged
Now suddenly, not to be cruel, I have to say you’ve changed
Please take this opportunity, redeem yourself, prove you can go back
To the great friend you used to be, and help me get my life back on track

A Special Thanks

Thank you, God, for all you do
For grassy green fields and skies of blue
For a rainbow of colors everywhere I look
For a world more beautiful than drawings in a book

Thank you, Lord, for my great family
For my sisters, my parents, and my dogs Nemo and Reilly
For my aunts and uncles, and cousins of all ages
For my grandparents, and all who’ve seen me through life’s many stages

Thank you, my creator, for the way that I am
For a never-ending will to lend a helping hand
For an intelligent mind that I (hopefully) put to good use
For a big heart that can’t be deterred by any abuse

Thank you, my savior, for another day
For a new chance to start over and live life the right way
For all that I’m blessed with, and my sheer gratitude
For an infinite faith; for everything, thank you

Her Silent Struggle

In the daunting chaos of this crazy world
It is all she can do to keep her feet on the ground
She is barely able to make it through the dragging days
With all the brazen anarchy that surrounds

Her every waking moment, minute after minute
She is forced through the shuffle of everyday life
And though she hides behind a happy face
Her big secret brings her down into endless strife

In the quiet sanctity of her own home
She secretly pollutes her own body and soul
So that, for a second, she can escape her troubles
The pills and alcohol she takes quickly reach their goal

Suddenly, she is unconscious, she can’t feel anymore
She passes out on the floor, and no one will know
Until the next day, when she gets up, and something has changed
Out of the blue, her persona has a brand-new glow

Because that last night, she had a grand experience
In the midst of her loneliness, she heard a voice from above
Before that day, she was lost—she had never known God
Or had the chance to feel His unconditional love

She had previously been too secluded in her own mind
To realize that she needed a power greater than herself
But as she lay there, confused, it finally hit her
She gave up the charade, and admitted she needed God’s help

She prayed for His guidance to put her life on the right track
To lead her to a path of righteousness and good
She asked for forgiveness, and God sensed her sincerity
And forgave her poor soul, as only He could

Then she awoke, feeling newly refreshed
And decided to take care of her bad choices over the years
Now, she is ready to begin on her life’s true mission
As a child of God, rid of her old, secular fears